Welcome to mStroke  Exercise

Stroke Exercises and education on prevention of Stroke

The exercises are provided in three different languages; English, Hausa and Yoruba. The exercises were demonstarted by a male and a female stroke survivor.

Get guidance from our seasoned instructors.
Our platform has various exercises to help you recover faster conveniently
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Stroke prevention education for people who already have Stroke or mini Stroke or TIA

Personalized Experience

You can choose your preferred language and gender

Monitor your activity level

The number of minutes you spend on each exercises and the number of days you exercise per week will be monitored.

Monitor your activity level

Waht exercises are done, how long per session and how many sessions per week.

Our modules

Self paced exercises at your convenience

Start and continue at any time, replay exercises with our flexible exercise modules

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From the OAU Health corridor

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